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curl-6 said:

Phew, finally beat that horrid son of a bitch. Talk about annoying. I ended up just losing my patience and resorting to a Skell.

Surprisingly, the final boss was far more manageable, and I had zero issues. Quite a fun fight in fact; the music was awesome, and there were no annoying gimmicks to spoil things.

Finally beat the game, and I must say I liked the ending. It tied up more threads than I expected, and I enjoyed the reveals of Elma being an alien who arrived on Earth to give us the technology to save ourselves, (it retrospect, XCX is effectively a game where you play as the sidekick to Elma's main hero, which is a fairly novel premise) as well as humanity being preserved as digital consciousness and DNA rather than actual bodies. The after-credits scene where its revealed that the data was destroyed before you even got started playing was cool too, if somewhat cruel in teasing a sequel that may take 5 years at this rate to arrive if it even gets made at all.

All in all, it's not the mindblowing instant classic that the first game was, but it's still an impressive feat in world design, scope, and sheer ambition. It may stumble from time to time, but I at its best, it soars to truly dizzying heights.


Quick question, would you be ok if they leave things the way they did or you would like them to work on a sequel?