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Eddie_Raja said:

1) Mathematics?  LOL

Wow. Just wow.




I think this speaks for itself.

Eddie_Raja said:

how about the FACT that the Wii U sold worst than the Dreamcast

Dreamcast has sold about 10.6 million according to WiiU has already passed that with over 12 million if this site's figures are to be believed.

I'd suggest you not laugh off mathematics so easily and check your figures before making reference to them.

Eddie_Raja said:

and the 3DS isn't going to sell even half as well as its predecessor.   In fact (outside of the Wii) every Nintendo home console has sold worse than the one before it.  If they start hemoraging money as bad as Sony used to it would destroy them pretty quick.

I doubt it'll get that bad. For starters, Nintendo's not in the mobile phone business. Apple and Samsung have that on lockdown.

Eddie_Raja said:

2) The assets Sony/MS have give them a ton of longevity in the event of disaster.  

Considering how ready you were to laugh off mathematics, I'm going to have to doubt your judgement.

I'd ask you for some mathematical figures but I don't think you care too much for them.