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Native Swedish, Polish (from my wife), German and French (from school) on a basic level. German I have used in my work but I would not say I am very good. I have always been sort of ashamed that I have not learnt more of Finnish (as it is the neighbouring country and there are a few Finnish people in Sweden). I use this site to practice my English and I notice that my English skills are not very good when I want to write in a nuanced and non-aggressive way.

Metallox said:
Spanish, Nahuatl and a bit of English.

Is Nahuatl very different in grammar and syntax than indo-European languages (for instance Spanish) as it originates from the New World?

LipeJJ said:
Teeqoz said:

Interesting. Since they are so similar, it's a nice pick either way! 

Guess now I'll just have to decide wether to start with Swedish or Norwegian. 

As a native Swedish speaker I would recommend you learn Norwegian. They had a spelling reform a hundred years ago so spelling and speaking is more in synch than Swedish that have a lot of old spellings.