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SecondWar said:
thranx said:
Trump is the kind of president america needs. we dont need a president that is going to bow down to the world like obama has. we are the world leader, and we need a president that acts as such. Not one out to be the cool guy like obama. We need to take action in the middle east, and we need a president with a strong arm to do that, not a weak back bone. And we need a president that can speak his mind freely, and stand by what he says. And lastly we need a president willing to negotiate, and that has experience at it, like a businessman would. Lets go Trump

Seriously? Obama has been rational with the world, rather than trying to dictate Americas will on other countries (well, to a lesser extent at least). Strong arming the world to agree with you is not the path to anything except war.

And what about Trump makes you think he'll negotiate? From what he says, it's his way or the highway. Again, a poor way to act on the world stage. With Trump as President, America will be pushed towards isolationism.

Yes he was real ration with the middle east, with iran, with jerusulum. How is that refugee crisis going over in europe? things sure do look rational over there.

Like I said, the world needs a leader, not a panderer. I dont value most of the worlds opinion to be honest, especially europe. they had their shot at the top and blew it through infighting. With out a strong world leader problems in the middle east will grow, tensions in asia will grow, tensions with russia will grow.


someone who runs a business has no choice but to negotiate at times. Since they can't just do what they want like some politians. Negotiating is one of the most important things in running a business, from employee wages and benifits, to consumer prices, to dealing with city, state, and or international politicians and regulations and rules.