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disolitude said:

Funny you should say RE was stale when 4 came out as this is exactly what platformers are today. Big names still sell but no new ones are getting made and not falling under the radar. Its not like there hasn't been a new platformer since the last Banjo... Many mascots have tried... but most have sucked. Reason why first 2 banjo games are respected is because they were fresh back in the day. Thats what this game is trying to be...

So I guess Rare had a choice... Make a platfromer game that all the fans of the game will go apeshit for but not really try to change things up to customize it to the strengths of the 360 (like online multiplayer, downloadable content, sandbox gameplay-ish). Or sell out some older fans.


 Fixed that for you.
Could be cool, it's got a nice art style and graphics.  I'm in the boat that would have loved to have seen a game with platforming at heart, which this trailer calls into question.  We'll see.  I think the other trailers for the game that are out show a lot more promise than this particular one though.  Only thing that really rubs me wrong is that they completely removed Banjo's moves to be instead replaced with the vehicle mechanic.  Like I said... we'll see.