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curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Well we definatly dont see same thing.

Yes, and widely spread opinion is that WW HD art style looks beautiful while TP HD art not so beautiful. Yes, but would DX10/11 shaders had same effect on TP art style that today look like ass and on WW art style that still looks good!? Definitely can't have same effect.

And like I wrote, Its fact that remaster of game that graphics aged good will look much better than remaster of game that graphics aged terribly. Thats why even TP HD looks bad for today standards and WW HD looks great even for todays standards. Its so simple.

Art style is still a matter of personal preference though.

For example, if you ask me, Twilight Princess looks better than Wind Waker on both Gamecube and Wii U. I know that's not the most popular opinion, but I don't need the agreement of others to validate my views.

But if something is really bad or ugly and huge majority have similar opinion, then its reality that is bad or ugly regardless your personal opinion. You maybe like TP art style, but its fact that aged terribly and that WW art style aged pretty good.

I dont saying that TP HD couldn't look better with better lighting and shadows for instance (definatly would look better), my point is that wouldn't had same effect that has on WW HD and again wouldn't look beautiful and good for today standards in comparison with WWHD.