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Hynad said:
curl-6 said:

"far higher resolution than was ever possible GameCube"

The textures are not the same.

And I too look forward to Digital Foundry covering TPHD, if they do, but we don't need their analysis to see that it clearly hasn't recieved as big a technological overhaul as WWHD did.

Textures are the only thing in the list of features that would take somewhat of an effort since the rest are features that are hardware based (not codded) . But in WW HD's case, those texturze were already at the ready, and they simply didn't downsample them, unlike what they had to do to make them fit the GC version. So, no. WW HD didn't require much effort. And it's development time is testament to that, 

TP HD is no different. Both are hasty ports that required next to no investement from Nintendo.

Nintendo already had TP high res rextures same like for WW?