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curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

"WWHD's textures are basically the same"


"Textures are created from the game's original designs and displayed at a far higher resolution than was ever possible GameCube"

Also, a bunch of shitty photoshop filters are not an adequate representation of the difference between a DX7 era lighting system and a DX11/10 one.


You have WW head to head comparison I include, and definitely textures look almost same, while in TP case in head to head comparison you will see huge difference (especially in floor textures).

Also even with DX11/10 lighting system there will not be big difference same effect like on WW HD because art style that aged terrible.

Because of this Eurogamer article, I can't wait to see what they have to say about TP HD upgrade.

"far higher resolution than was ever possible GameCube"

The textures are not the same.

And I too look forward to Digital Foundry covering TPHD, if they do, but we don't need their analysis to see that it clearly hasn't recieved as big a technological overhaul as WWHD did.

I know what is writen, but you can see yourself in that comparison that I include, and definitely textures look almost same (maybe is that way beacause WW textures are very simple), while in TP case in head to head comparison you will see huge difference (especially in floor textures).

In worst case they will say they analysis in their review. You relly cant have big a technological overhaul as WWHD did because you can't have same effect on TPHD because art style that aged terribly.