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Can't see much difference to be honest, if its just a sharpness improvement because of hdmi and a few improved textures it seems a bit of a rip-off.

I was hoping for a bigger upgrade with more on screen.

The dolphin emulated version with the improved graphics mod looks as good or better in some places.

Must admit I still like the idea of getting tp hd but it would need to be really cheap. Twilight Princess is one of the few games I think where I stopped playing as it looked so bland and unattractive. I absolutely adored windwaker though.

Sadly it looks like not much love and attention has been given to the wii u version. To be so similar after 10 years or so since the original release seems lazy.

Graphic power of the original gamecube 8 gflops, graphic power of the wii 11 or 12 gflops, graphic power of the wii u at least 176 gflops possibly 352 gflops. That's at least 22x the gpu power. They could have done much more and probably the comparison with Zelda U when it comes out is going to be shocking.