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Pavolink said:
Edwardooo said:
That's just nonsense. You're totally overreacting to this, or your hate (legitimate, since it's a disappointment for a lot of people who expected better) is blinding you.

Wait for the game to release and play it (or just look at it on a real screen), then come at me and say again that it's the same as the original. You won't, cause it's obviously not the case.

I'm not saying is the same, but neither is way way better. This remaster is dissapointing as they have 4x times of TWWHD development time. On top of that, aren't those real screens? Now is people going to invent real and fake screens to defend this lazy work?

Okay,  look.

Zelda Twilight Princess is a Gamecube game, so it's a 480p game (or something around that), Twilight Princess HD is a Wii U game so it's at least 720p but I think it will be 1080p like Wind Waker HD.

You want to know why there isn't a huge difference when looking at two screens ? 'cause obviously, the smaller a picture is, the better it looks, since you won't see too much aliasing or bad textures when you look at a screen on your little PC screen or smartphone. That's why I told you to play the original game on your Full HD TV (if you're able to), to see what's really Twilight Princess today. A lot of wii games suffer of the same problems, Xenoblade Chronicles for example.

And that's where the HD of Twilight Princess Wii U will make the game way way better than the original, 'cause it will look good even on a big screen, compared to the original which absolutely don't. The resolution upgrade, every textures that has been redone, every 3D model redone, the hideous blurry effect that has been completely removed, and a lot of technical upgrades.

I know that you're disappointed by the game, I'm too, I expected a better Lightning System in the remaster just like they did with Wind Waker HD (which has only that, textures haven't been redone on WWHD, not like TPHD), and I'm not especially defending the game, I can truly understand why people wouldn't want to buy it, or would prefer to keep their original copy instead. But that's absolutely not an excuse for saying that the game only looks "a bit better" than the original, it's just false. No matter what.