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SpokenTruth said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes, when have Nintendo done bad in gaming? Never. On PS2 gen they had big profits because of Gameboy +Advanced+DS that was why they passed N64 and GC in comfort. This gen they had 3DS and WiiU selling 60M and stil aren't very good on profitability. So yes if Nintendo was a console only (no HH) they probably would have already left the gaming space, if you want to add HH they have been winning the race for all gens so your point doesn't hold.

So basically it seems like you don't know very well the point you are making and you don't have the numbers on how well Sony or MS would be doing if they were console only... And it should be obvious that a company the size of MS console bussiness is irrelevant. And on Sony part it is becoming more relevant. 

So I ask again, what is your point if you were looking correctly at the numbers?

I'll go back again and I'll condense it to the relevant parts for your point. Many people think that Nintendo is near bankruptcy because the Wii U isn't selling well (and 3DS isn't matching DS) and other people think that Sony has turned around all money problems because the PS4 is selling well. 

These figures simply serve to give readers more info to work with.  If you know this already, then you are not the people this thread is intended for. 

Many people may think that, but they are very few in the end. But yes Nintendo is still safe (but was in a downward motion that still need a good correction to show strong numbers); but if NX sells less than 3DS+WiiU that will be dangerous. I don't think any of your target entered the thread... the only comments we saw that weren't already knowing this situation was from one guy that though Sony's TVs and Mobile generated a lot of profits.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."