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AsGryffynn said:
The health of their console divisions reflects on their profits. To sell a console in large amounts takes more money and it's obvious that Sony put a lot more into the PS4 than MS on the XONE... this actually reflects how important their console audience is to them.

Granted, a lot more might happen that can lead to higher debt, but this is spot on...

Actually this is a wrong thing, i dont know who falls on Microsoft's PR, that they are selling less, but making more profit with Xbox, than Sony, with Playstation.

Playstation 4, only is manufactured on Brazil, and on China, and you know what this means ?, with more consoles being sold it cost less money to Sony, for make the Consoles and they can get much more profit, is because of that Xbox One, and Playstation 4, are on the same price, is because Sony, made much more Playstation 4, because of that the Playstation 4, get a price drop, they are not selling Playstation 4, at loss, and they would only lose money with Playstation 4, if it were not selling, but is selling all the stock really quick.

So, Playstation 4, being cheaper and more powerful, is giving the same or even more profit per unit than Xbox One, to Microsoft.

the Company's health have nothing to do with the Console Market, if the console is only giving loss the Company will quit the console market, even if have the Apple's level of profits, so what is more important for the gaming market ?, Sony, not selling movies, or Cellphones, but selling Consoles, or Microsoft, selling Microsoft Visual Studios, Windows, but not selling consoles ?.


This Thread makes no sense, i think that is a Counter-Thread, because someone did not liked Uncharted Collection, selling more than Halo 5, so who made this Thread, please tell for me what have to do Sony, or Microsoft, selling less icecream, but more Sugar, what this have to do with the console caming ?, did you want to say that Despite Playstation 4's value being more than 8 Billions per year to Sony, and Xbox One, being 1 Billion per year to Microsoft (just a example), you want to say that if i did not go and see Spiderman's movie, Sony, will stop of making Playstation ?, and even if Xbox, give Eternal loss for Microsoft, they will continue to make Xbox ?, even when they clearly are changing to PC ?, less than 1/6 of Sony's revenue came from Gaming, for Microsoft, even less, so what is the point of making this ?.