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DivinePaladin said:

I think the implication here I have a problem with is that you're implying that Super Hero Mode is something people will have to go out of their way to experience; such a mode is made entirely for Zelda superfans, many of whom will already have the Ganon Amiibo.

If I'm not a "Zelda superfan" I don't know who is. I don't have any amiibo and I don't want any. What do I win?

Anyway, Hero Mode (simply multiplying damage taken by the player) is an ineffective bandaid for one of Twilight Princess's biggest problems. The difficulty needed to be completely rebalanced. The final boss has attacks that deal the bare minimum amount of damage measurable... Hero Mode doesn't fix that. In a game where your final max health is at least 4 times the amount you started with, endgame enemies should hit harder than the very first annoying bats you fight in the tutorial.

But actually balancing the difficulty curve sounds like a lot of work, let's just slap a damage multiplier on the game and ship it.