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disolitude said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
disolitude said:

You feel the need to insult Nintendo in response to insults of this dissapointing trailer. The fact that it sickens and insults me when you do this kind of crap isn't a personal attack.

If Nintendo is the king of re-releases, what is Rare the king of? IPs that survive off of nostalga, because the company that makes them seems to have forgotten how to develop a good game.

Again, I don't care if this game is great, or if it sucks. I simply care that you hate on Nintendo most of the time, for no good reason, and to me, you have no credibility because of that bias.

What if I trolled on every post and hated on 360 or PS3 as much as you hate on the Wii? Two things would happen.

A. Fanboys would be owned.

B. I'd probably get banned because I wouldn't have an army of bandwagon jumping Nintendo Foeboys to back me up, so I could get lost in the crowd.

The thing is that my comment saying nintendo re-hashes game was a reply to someone saying that Rare should have made banjo 3 amazing like nintendo made mario galaxy. It wasn't out of dead air that I decided to attack nintendo...

And yes, I don't like what nintendo is doing this generation. I bought the wii over a year ago...we can play Mario Kart tonight if you want proof. Just give me your wii code and time...

The Wii reminds me of the Metal scene in the late 90's. Back then all these crappy metal bands with rap gimmicks were becoming popular like Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Korn... While other much more taleneted metal bands did not get any attention from the mainstream. Even on the wii this is true as the good games like no more heroes don't get the attention they deserve on the system...

This is what I think and I will voice it when I want... hope thats ok with this forum.

Check your posts again. Nobody said they should've made it like SMG. They were upset Rare is putting less focus on platforming when you jumped in and made your comment. In fact, the only mentioning of Nintendo before your post was referencing the Banjo-Kazooie games on the N64. 

I don't expect it to be void of platforming, but when the first gameplay footage showcases nothing but vehicles, it's obviously a large part of the game. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but the mechanic doesn't seem to go with the series, whereas the gravity and spherical worlds of SMG were a natural fit.