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BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.

The best team outside 1998. It's been a long time since they've made a good platformer.

True but there last platformer was good. Banjo Tooie. Rare hasnt made a platformer since then. Kameo isnt a platformer and neither was Starfox adventures.


And yet you're defending them to the death? They haven't made a platformer in nearly a decade, and you expect them to be amazing?

Have you forgotten how to ride your bike? Come on, I cant believe this. If it was a wii game this would be such a different reception. Well Obviously i'm alone on this subject. But I think change in a series is god and from what Rare say, in fact direct quote from Gamersyde video with Rare is " there is loads in the game to satisfy long running fans of the series".