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We know the temperature for 150 years for less than 50% of the planets places.{Nobody can tell you the temp in DC when Lincoln was killed, OR the average temp of Arctic in 1952] The earth is millions of years old, and man is minimum 6000. WE or No person has any idea what 'normal, average, median, usual temp is except for a blink of an eye of the earths life. We didn't even have digital[ 76.5 degrees] thermometers 50 years ago. Heck, all the continents used to be one big land mass. They can't prove we caused any change OR that doing anything will reverse or stop or slow or defer back to 'normal'. What if the reason we got 2 degrees warmer last 25 years is that the earth orbit moved 200 yards closer to the sun, too little to measure? Or the Sun expanded by 1% and is now hotter? Or the sunburst in 18whatever year damaged the ozone that we didn't even know we had until 1965? In other words there are sooo many variables and sooo little data compared to the age of the earth that ego and Gov paying for data are the real climate that needs changing. God killed the dinosaurs so we can drive Grand Cherokees and that is the real story...