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oniyide said:
zorg1000 said:

What u said was that Nintendo should start developing M-rated games and that's not in Nintendo's DNA, they can become more mainstream without changing who they are. It's like asking Disney/Pixar to start creating live-action R-rated movies while cutting back on PG-rated animated movies, it's not going to and should never happen.

Now on the other hand we have seen Disney invest in things like Marvel & Star Wars which are certainly more mainstream and serious but they are still acceptable for all ages. That is a type of thing I could see Nintendo doing, they are a company that prides themselves in being acceptable for all ages and having a more M-rated focused library changes who Nintendo is at their core.

So basically what I'm saying is Nintendo can go for more T-rated games that appeal to adults while still being suitable for children, similar to the way Marvel & Star Wars are PG-13 and have a strong appeal towards adults while still being completely acceptable for an 8 year old to watch.

Here are some examples of what I think Nintendo should do to appeal more to mainstream western gamers. Nintendo has 4 western studios that they either own or have a close relationship with, Retro Studios, Nintendo Software Technology, Monster Games & Next Level Games. Nintendo should start making these studios play more to their strengths and build a strong western focused library.

Retro Studios did an amazing job with Metroid Prime & Donkey Kong but it's time to let them explore and do their own thing. I think they could make a great western-RPG/FPS, something that combines certain elements of Metroid Prime, Bioshock, Borderlands, Fallout and create a new T-rated IP with those elements. Basically the western equivalent of Xenoblade.

NST previously worked on Wave-Rave & 1080 Snowboarding but has recently only done small Mario vs Donkey Kong eShop titles, I say let them get back to making those extreme sports titles.

Next Level Games is another studio with a lot of sports experience, let them go back to their roots. I don't think they should make games intended to compete directly with the likes of Madden/FIFA/NBA and they also shouldn't just make Mario Sports games, instead I suggest they make a line of sports games that is somewhere in the middle in terms of gameplay & visuals. I think Camelot should do the same with Golf & Tennis, retire the Mario series and instead make a brand new line of sports games.

Monster Games is a studio that until recently focused on racing games, again I say let them return to their roots. I don't see a Gran Turismo or Forza competitor being made but Nintendo has things like Excite & F-Zero that they could develop or even something that resembles a Cruis'n series spiritual successor.

Nintendo has a handful of western studios with experience making western focused games, they should use this to their advantage. If Nintendo wants to publish the occasional M-rated game like they did with Bayonetta, Fatal Frame, Devil's Third, that's fine but it can't be their primary focus. The types of games I described above are titles that can appeal to adults while remaining suitable for all ages.


The sad thing is Ninty was doing something just like this with that turned out? What you're saying makes sense and maybe i have less faith in Ninty than you do, but they dont have it in them to do this again. I think their pride will never allow them to let a western studio (cause lets be real those are the guys that are experts at these T-M rated FPS shotter things) to ever get too popular to give them leeway to really go the distance. Thats not even a Ninty issue, Square Enix is kinda like it too.  I hope im wrong.


It actually worked out pretty well for Nintendo, the drop from SNES to N64 sales was pretty miniscule outside of Japan despite the massive drop in 3rd party support.

SNES sales outside of Japan=32 million

N64 sales outside of Japan=28 million

N64 & SNES software sales are also pretty even outside of Japan with a much higher percentage of sales coming from Nintendo-published titles on N64.

Over 90% of the decline from SNES to N64 happened in Japan due to the RPG & fighting markets migrating from SNES to Playstation. And since my post was specifically on how to attract a western audience, the Japanese market is irrelevant to what I was discussing.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.