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bouzane said:

Cobretti2 said:

Now this is where I think it becomes unfair.

People who do not work, get a thing called the dole (so free money). However they can be on the dole indefinitely so there is no incentive to find a job. Unfortunately the dole has created a class of lazy people who just do not give a fuck about working. Hell watch enough of the news here, and some will admit that they do not ever have the intention to work, would rather go surfing and call the dole "their pay check". The other reason is, if you have enough kids on the dole, you can get almost the same money as minimum wage. To me this creates irresponsible parents who just have kids, to get more money for their paytv, smoking, drink and gambling addictions and the kids suffer because their parents can't afford to support them properly. These kids grow up brainwashed by their parents thinking that accepting hand outs i acceptable, therefore they don't even try to better their lives. On the rare occasions that one may try to better their lives, their families will bully them about them.

Am I the only person who sees this as some sort of dysgenic social engineering?


Now I recently got promoted where my wage jumped by 20K pa. When I got the pay rise I was like "you beauty just have scored a jackpot". However the way our tax system works and "means testing" I actually take less money home now (NET) then I did when I was earning 20K pa less. To me this was a shock at first as you would think I worked hard to earn this promotion and now I am taking home less,

Reason for this:
- my taxable income jumped to the next bracket.
- lost my rebate on private health cover for me and my wife (so now I pay 30% more than I used to), and if I don't have private health cover, I have to pay an additional 1% medical taxes because "I earn to much".

Doesn't this system strike you as being terribly counter productive. Shouldn't it be a priority to increase productivity because let's face it, that's kind of important.

So the other option is this, my wife becomes a stay at home mother for the next 7 years. She becomes a burden on society who become irrelevant once the kids have grown up enough to go to school because she hasn't maintained her kills and becomes unemployable in here field that she studied her ass off to get a job in.

Note to self, maintain murderous lifestyle. :P

You would think that a smart government would be less socialist and discourage people on the dole from having kids. Working mothers SHOULD get a rebate to subsidies childcare so they go back to work quicker and remain a tax payer. In turn if professionals have more kids, don't you think they are more than likely to provide a better example that people who do not work? Those kids will become future tax payers that contribute to the country and not another burden sitting at home doing nothing.

The great irony is that a proper communist society would:

A) oppose the dole and mandate that all able-bodied individuals contribure thier skills and labour
B) treat people equally and offer everybody childcare to allow more women to join the workforce
C) support professional men and women in order to promote hard work and vital skills
D) A and C make me giddy because all I can think of is your wife as a serial killer who is struggling to justify her murdorous ways despite the government's financial disincentivization

Final Thoughts:

Now I know I went on a rant that was somewhat offtrack, but my point is valid.

Everyone in a developed country has the opportunity to better their lifestyle. The rich people we talking about now were just smarter and did it quicker. In the case of families with wealth, well they too were smarter and started many generations ago. My parent's parents and ancestors before them did not set the foundation for them, however mine were smart enough to make that choice, for their kids. So if my live gets worst then all I can blame is myself and not the richer people around me.

The fact that wealth is earned is only partially true. Discounting luck entirely I can point out that in many countries corporate subsidies are creating markets that unfairly favor certain organizations and individuals.

Your insightful post makes a lot of good points (and made me chuckle thanks to today's best typo) kudos.



Dysgenic social engineering is exactly what it is haha. I like that phrase. One thing I did not mention is they basically in the 70s and 80s built suburb for umemployed people. So government housing that these people get to rent cheaply (like about 10%-20% market value). But because they are all lumped together they create their own little culture and a cycle of no hopers.

The smarter thing to do would have been to buy out houses in regular suburbs and spread them around before they become so fucked up. If these people saw postive people around them then they too in theory would have bettered their lives because it would not seem unatainable.  Saying that I did watch a movie (from Netherland i think) called the Flodders, they did just that but it did not go so well. Not sure if it was because it was a comedy but surely there is some truth to it. ALthough I have seen evidence of people whowere not dumped in those sububs who have improved their lives because of postives around them.


I think there is a reason the system is counter productive. The government want you to work till you die lol. The longer you work the more taxes you pay and then they don't need to fund you a pension (i think everyone who worked hard deserves one so I am happy to pay these people) but ironically will use your taxes to fund the people who have never worked in their lives. They create this artifical spot so for you to get out of that mindset of why do i even bother going higher is hard as you need a significant promotion to get over that hurdle.


Indeed a very poor typo there haha. GLad you know what I meant lol.


I come from a communist country and on paper communism works, and in practice everyone did have a job. But like any society I guess there is corruption, except under communism it seems to be more open about it then the corporate world that hides it well.


Coroporate subsidies and luck  I didn't even bother touching on as that is aa difernt league of its own. I was more focusing on that most common people in a developed country can make it out of what we consider the poverty line and live a comfrotable life whether they are a white collar or blue collar worker. Luck does play a bit in that as sometimes it comes down to being in the right place at the right time. But what I found is over my career so far, sometimes your luck is up (i.e. when I lost my job unexpectdly and got another offer whch helped me progress quicker )and sometimes your luck is down (my curret job where I am stuck doing the same things over and over with no visible path out, but still enojable enough work). I think overall it balances out, at times you progress quicker and at times it slows. On another note I do believe that you create your own luck to a degree too. You need ironically "social engineering skills" beause you never know what the next informal catchup with somoene may bring.