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johnsobas said:
disolitude said:
johnsobas said:
disolitude said:

Resident Evil 4 did not have zombies... Try telling Sonic fans that 3d was a natural progression...

Nice argument, you're really getting somewhere.  Sonic going to 3d was natural progression, and it is also basically what caused the downfall of sonic for so long.  3D sonic games weren't as good as 2D ones, but sonic couldn't continue to be 2D on consoles.  If it was as simple as continuing in 2D they would have done that.  Many people liked 2D mario games better, some don't, but they are still the same style of gameplay just done in 3D rather than 2D.  

You are comparing something that stays true to the original in gameplay, the only thing that changed was the perspective and controls to something that completely changed the genre of the game, the core of the game is completely changed to the point it doesn't really resemble the past games anymore.  Mostly what is remaining is just the art style.

Ok resident evil 4 didn't have zombies, it doesn't make a difference in the argument. 

If you don't see why zombie-less resident evil is a huge gameplay change...I don't think we can discuss this. I love RE4, its my 3rd fave game of all time...but it isn't resident evil. RE is scary, slow and nerve wrecking... RE4 was all guns blazing shooter fest with no zombies, snipers, weapon upgrades and buying/selling treasure side missions. If you told this to someone who just finished RE 2 in 1998...he would laugh at you and say you were high. So I think that comparison stands...

As far as Sonic going 3D, I didn't mean to compare it to Banjo 3 gameplay changes...but I put it as an example of change in gaming that made me whine like a baby, just like some people here who are crying about the new Banjo.