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Weaker hardware with a gimmick or two tends to present their own set of problems for Nintendo and they have been doing this for a number of years now, though most 3rd parties have also done less for Nintendo unless Nintendo themselves fund said game or foot the bill for some.

Also if we're talking about "they go where they can make money", I can only scoff at such a notion due to the fact that most big 3rd party studios out there keep inflating their budgets and carving their games up into tiny pieces to try making more money on the fact they keep blowing up their budgets, having to ignore Nintendo somehow counts as a benefit because they don't want to blow their load on a system that won't give them much in returns for their overblown budget.

Have I mentioned that their budgets and overspending are getting sillier by the year?.

That said Nintendo should at least try pushing for more power and making online play much more interactive and viable, keeping it free in my eyes is always going to be better than paying a sub for online play, same as with my main platform, though they could do with dropping the need to tack on some sort of gimmick because those tend to increase the cost of the hw along with forcing devs to adhere to said gimmick which clearly doesn't always produce the best desired results let alone gathering more devs around it.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"