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JNK said:

So its pretty well known that third party support on nintendo consoles sucks. But why?

Is it the fault of third parties?

I donkt think so.

Lets look as an example at Ubisoft. They gave the Wii U at launch an exclusive aa-title (ZombiU) + Raymen was announanced as an exclusive title.

I doubt Nintendo paid anything for this. They didnt published the games, both games went multiplat later because of wii u´s poor sales.

But still, I cant remember an big western publisher like Ubisoft ever gave any exclusive title to xbox or playstation for...nothing? Sony and Microsoft both pay for their exclusive content. It seems like Ubisoft would had supported Nintendo for free.


So the relationship cant be that bad, right?

The reason Ubi helped, was because they heavily dissed the wii at the beginning (because of the gamecube's success), saw the success and made a HUGE amount of money on Just Dance and raving rabbids. 

After having hated on Nintendo, only to have Nintendo forgive them and make tons of money with them, they were the most supportive and decided to help Nintendo (2 launch exclusives) with nothing in return.

nintendo messed up by being complacent. They should have given Ubi more funding and publicity. Compared to the money that Sony and Microsoft pay, Nintendo wouldn't pay that much, and they would have received more support from a huge publisher