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johnsobas said:
disolitude said:

 Yea and GTA4 is a rehash of 3, MGS4 is a rehash of 3, COD4 is a rehash of every other shooter in existance, Guitar hero is the same damn thing, the list could go on forever.  

Your examples are horrendous, first Resident Evil 4 and now Sonic?  These are natural, obvious progressions for the genre.  Mario or Sonic becoming a 3d platformers is obvious, Resident Evil dropping its flawed pre-rendered backround system with bad controls and terrible camera is an obvious progression for the genre.  

Banjo building, racing, and blowing up vehicles is not a damn natural progression.  It's not even the same fucking genre, not even close.  You aren't improving the platformer, you're simply not making a platformer anymore.  

The platformer could use a good game much more than the racing, flying, blowing up vehicles genre could.  This game has a new style, but it's not all that different from all the other games that 360 fans have been playing.  This isn't innovating as much as it is conforming. 

Resident Evil 4 did not have zombies... Try telling Sonic fans that 3d was a natural progression...