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ZenfoldorVGI said:
disolitude said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Ari_Gold said:
The_vagabond7 said:
....That is....terrible. So much potential wasted...they turned one of the best platformers of the N64 generation into a Twisted metal/GTA/mariokart game. I was so frikkin pumped for this, and now I have lost about 90% of my interest in it. What the hell was that?

The end is just sad too. It reeks of the old Crash Bandicoot commercials. Many have come and tried to dethrone Mario, and all have failed and turned into 3rd rate stars (crash, spyro, Sonic). Looking at this video, I don't think Mario has much competition.



Yeah, they should have done what nintendo does. Remake the same game over and over and upgrade graphics and backgrounds... Shame on you Rare for trying something different.

I personally didn't care much for Banjo before but now this looks like a must play as it looks like it won't be the same 3D platformer we've all been playing since Mario 64.

See, why do you have to flame Nintendo because you are insecure about how Banjo looks?

I'm sick of these silly arguments that attempt to marginalize Nintendo games by claiming that they are all remakes of something from the N64. Have you even played Wii sports, Radiant Dawn, Pikmin 2, Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Brawl, Metroid Prime or Super Paper Mario? These games are modern classics, and you attempt to marginalize them, and Nintendo who also happens to be the most consistantly good developers in the world.

....while you praise Rare in the same paragraph.

You sicken me with your comments, I don't care how they were goaded out of you.

Who knows if this game is great, or sucks? It's certainly not inspiring confidence with that trailer, I don't care how you spin it, but to praise Rare for "at least trying something different" is damage control of the highest order. You are basically admitting that it looks bad, but at least it's different.

I don't care, I woulda never bought this either way. If you want this genre of game that badly and you don't own a Wii, your a fanboy, broke, or biased.

When you flame Nintendo after you look at a trailer for a platformer for Xbox, it's like your getting the damage control out of the way before its even confirmed that this might be a AA game at best(who knows really, but that's what your obviously thinking).


I'm sorry if this offends banjo fans, I own a 360, but I just don't like people flaming other games and consoles in an attempt to justify their own.

Oo la la...a personal attack...

Its interesting you bring up "Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Brawl, Metroid Prime or Super Paper Mario" as I've played them all.

Here is how I feel about Twilight princess...first post.

Mario Galaxy a rehash in my eyes but a good one.

Brawl is completely a rehash with a fun one player quest.

Metroid prime 3 a rehash with new control scheme.

Super paper mario is the best game out of all...I liked that one.

I still stand in saying Nintendo is the king of re-releases with upgraded graphics and tweeked gameplay. You forgot Mario Kart Wii...

In any case, Im done posting here as it will become a personal attacks topic. Banjo 3 looks cool. Looks like it may have a great online multiplayer, inventive gameplay and will look better than any platformer in recent memory apart from R&C.

For anyone that doesn't like change...sorry. I was pissed when Sonic went 3D too...but I got over it. When the game gets good reviews, you may change your minds as well.