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          Heya, Cloudman here with another thread! Long ago when I first joined, I made a similar thread about avatars in gaming regarding gender, and I am returning to the idea, but taking on a different question...




What name do you give them? The dancing letters demand an answer...!


          I feel it's safe to assume that any games where you play as an avatar character, whether boy, girl, animal, robot, alien, ANYTHING, you're allowed to name them! So my simple question is "What do you name them?" This almost feels like a non-question. I'm certain many people just use their own name. For awhile, I did just that. I used my name whenever I could enter one in. It is me after all, and I want to feel like I am the hero. Heck, using my name got me a cooler missingno image when I first played Pokemon Red. It was pretty sweet what my name could influence...!


I got ghost missingno when I first played Pokemon! Also I gave hints to my real name haha!!!


          ...However, as time went on, I felt my name didn't fit in with games I played, like RPGs and Zelda for example. So later, I started using another name as a sort of 'in-game' or something of the sort whenever I could name the main character. The name I started using was...



          Why did I pick that name? Well, I got it from Grandia 2. There was a character named 'Roan' whom I really liked, so much I used the name for a character I drew up as a kid, and it became my go-to name in games. I used it in every game I could. I thought it was a cool name, and I liked the character it was tied too. That remains true to this day. I still use it, though I started using another one: 'Cloud' , short for Cloudman xD It's also what people on VGC call me sometimes too, haha. Roan still remains a staple in-game name I use, and when I started using girl characters, I chose 'Nina' as a default girl name. That name I got from another character I made up. Where I got the name itself? I dunno... I just like the name. I use it for all my girl characters, from Pokemon to Fire Emblem Awakening to Xenoblade Chronicles X!


So to recap, the names I use in games are:  

Boy - Roan , Cloud     /     Girl - Nina.


What name do you give your avatar in games? Feel free to write them below.

(Unless you are shy. That is no problem though xD )



Dance my pretties!

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