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Darc Requiem said:


You don't have to sacrifice any important characters to save your Warden or Inquisitor. You may have to sacrifice an important character for your Hawke depending on the choices you've made previously. The DA does a lot of work. I know DA isn't as well received as ME on the whole but from a narrative standpoint the DA is leagues above the ME team. Which is strange because ME was conceived as a trilogy unlike DA.

The Dragon Age team and the Mass Effect team are separate. Yes they are under the Bioware banner but they aren't the same developers. For all the flaws of the Dragon Age franchise, unlike Mass Effect, the Dragon Age team has an overall narrative plan, pays attention to lore, and forces the player to make real choices. Consistency in the writing of characters in Dragon Age is something that sorely missing in Mass Effect. There are a lot of OOC moments in ME3. 


I still say its not right to bring your favorite characters back just to have you kill one off. Even if as you say the narritive is better, wich is your opinion, it just leaves me with a bad taste on my mouth. I'd rather having an open ended ending rather than have the characters come back just so you can kill them off. I mean, the Hawke/Alistair thing is outrageous. It wasnt my case, i had the luck to just sacrifice the new character before i got attached to it, but if i had to choose between those two there would be no end to my rage.

Besides, inquisition left much to be desired story wise. Maybe if more time went to it rather than all those useless and repetitive objectives. But, i'm getting side tracked. The ending of mass effect 3 isn't perfect but its not worth the whole fan rage that says the game is bad because of it. Though, now that i think about it, it also had horrible choices to be made, but it was part of a complete continuous storyline. DA just goes and rapes the previous games at their leasure.

Yeah, i hate what DA has become. I miss DA origins and would totally be up for a remake, but i'm pretty much done with the series after inquisition. They raped my DA:O ending without me beeing able to do anything. Still have to replay that part and just doom the dumb inquisitor instead. God i hated inquisition. Wish it jever happened. Sorry... ended up ranting. ^^