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LordTheNightKnight said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

You insist on fair viewpoints, but not only are you twisting this to be bashing anyone who prefers graphics, when it isn't, you are also declaring your own personal taste in humor to be authoritative, when you know damn well humor is subjective.

I am not bashing people who value graphics highly, your OP is. Perhaps you're confused.

Also, my taste in humor is authoritative.

I didn't write you were bashing. Look at my last post again.

Come again? *points at bolded part*

Edit:  So I reread your OP, did you just edit in that line about not bashing anyone?   

At any rate, it's about like saying "I don't mean to be rude but..." and then proceeding to be extremely rude.  Saying you don't intend to do something and then following it up by doing what you just said you didn't intend to do doesn't work so well.  ^_^