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Thunderbird77 said:
leo-j said:


Why would it not be exclusive? I doubt sony money hatted star ocean..... Persona.... And other third party ip..... Capcom partnered with sony probably to market the game and therefore felt exclusivity would push more copies... I believe it'll sell very well as an exclusive ip, this isn't alienating anyone considering most of the SF fanbase is on PS 

There's no ifs, SF 5 would exist and be a multiplat without the moneyhat and the current situation alienates millions. star ocean and persona bear no relevance to this this discussion (although it seems like they paid for star ocean).

Wrong, they did not paid for Persona, or for Star Ocean, those are Japanese titles that only sell well on playstation, or nintendo's plataform, Star Ocean, The Lost odyssey, Blue Dragon, did Really poor on xbox 360, even with the 2 biggest game developers of the genre making those games, even Parasite Eve, sold more copies than those titles.

Playstation 4,  is over 2.2 Millions on Japan, and Xbox One, over 60 thousands, Xbox One,  will start to sell less than 1/3 of what Xbox One, will sell Worldwide, Sony, helped they to make the game and give  free market, and made a tournament just for Capcom.

Playstation 3, had a lower install base on the USA, and Sold much more street fighter 4, than xbox 360, in both USA, and Worldwide, Nowdays Xbox One, only have USA Market, if the game was exclusive to Xbox One, would flop, exclusive for Playstation, will be a Sucess, now you got it ?.

Capcom had Free market, free tournament, free development, with a install base that will not flop the game, and they will release the game for PC, over 80%+ of Street Fighter's Install base are on Playstation, or PC,  the other 18% will  buy a Playstation 4, for play the game, and just 2% will be Pissed up because is a Xbox One's Fan.

Microsoft, Purchased the exclusivity after Square Enix, Announced the game, they make PR as it was a "Fully Exclusive", so they purchased a exclusivity for something that already was ready to go, for a Plataform that dont have the fanbase of the game, the PC, and the Playstation's fanbase, were much bigger than Xbox One's fanbase, Because of that this pissed the fans, they did not founded the game, they just purchased a exclusivity.

Microsoft, cannot give a shit less about Japan, so i dont think there is a reason for you be so salty about a Japanese game be exclusive for Playstation/PC, with Xbox, selling more already means less copies of japanese games sold than Playstation, and now that Playstation 4, have more than twice the install base ?, means that Japanese games will sell 6-8x Better on Playstation.


look at Metal Gear Solid V, it sold 3 Millions on playstation 4, and 600 thousands on xbox one, this was on september when the Playstation's gap between Xbox, was smaller than today, the only reason that Japanese games are coming only to Playstation 4, or only to Playstation/PC, is because Microsoft really cannot give a shit less about the japanese market, the only possibility to make the support even worse for japan, is Making the "Aways online", and "No Used games" a "Japanese only" feature for Xbox one in japan, also Xbox one's user base, just like Microsoft, cannot give a shit less about japanese games, or Non-shooter games.