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Grand Theft Auto 4:

1) Didn't innovate the series, genre or games in general. Sure it's one big "complete" package, but any game developer can do that (if they put the effort), what a GOOD developer does is innovate.

2) Only 4 Multiplayer modes I would consider not broken and of them probably 2 or 3 are actually fun.

3) This game lacks polish big time. Graphical hiccups, random freezes and some downright ugly environments at times make this not a 10/10 game.

4) Basically took all the things that make games popular these days and meshed them into one game (driving style, cover system, multiplayer modes).

5) Multiplayer is crazy unbalanced. Find Rocket Launcher = Win or at least a killing spree of AT LEAST 6 people (if you can't get that many kills with it, you're not very good...). Auto aim: Person who's gun has the better statistics when the game makes it's calculations in the background = WINNER.

I like this thread :) there's a few more games that i'll add later.