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spemanig said:
Raze said:
A bit of advice: There's a simple way to avoid ever being accused of rape - don't get involved with girls. If you're not in a situation that can be considered assault, you have nothing to fear. In fact, avoiding relationships is best for gamers, because if you get in a relationship and married, and have kids, your budget for games disappears and your time to play games disappears. Your "hardcore gamer" status will become "casual" to barely existent. ;)

Or you could do what I do and just not rape people. It's just as simple. Know what rape is and then just don't do it. If you don't rape people then you have nothing to fear. Like 99.99% of sexually active guys who don't commit sexual crimes are never falsely accused of commiting sexual crimes. People in this thread are acting like there is some rapeconspirasy against men or something. Like being falsely accused of rape is some common occurrence. It's not.

lol, where'd you pull that statistic from?, or through extensive facebook and wikipedia research?  Or straight out of the air?    Given the sheer volume of cases (well over 100) against Universities in the US (this is since the Dept. of Education head sent the 'Dear Colleague' memo's to Colleges, regarding Sexual Assault/Rape being a civil rights violation under Title IX), and just from the ones that've been overturned thus far, that claim is false.

And since I actually look into things, here's some facts for you, feminists themselves love to use 2% (blows your statement right out of the water, on it's own) as their percentage, however their number is not draw from any real investigation covering the country.  And apparently MRA's like to use the number 41% which is actually based on a real study, though there are serious flaws with it (it only covered a small town in NY)

So, basically we know it's more than 2% and it's likely that it's less than 41%, however, it's not as easy to figure out as one might think due to the difficulty in uncovering the truth in rape cases, as well as victims withdrawing complaints, police not being able to determine whether a rape has occurred due to lack of evidence, and then on the other side when we find out a rape actually didn't occur and the accused is lying (UVA, Brian Banks, Duke Lacrosse team, Mattress Girl etc....).  The really truly horrible thing is that even when it's discovered that a person is lying about rape, people still defend them as survivors.  Like NOW (National Organization of Women), still sticking by 'Jackie' in the UVA Rape Hoax (Rolling Stone article).   What a disgusting group of people.

It's really quite fascinating (and disturbing) how little concern there is for individuals falsely accused of rape.  It really is.  Their lives are basically over, any hope for a social life, a family, a job, an education...pretty much right out the window.  And this is by design, of course.  The design is, because some feel that regrettable sex is rape, and that because the cops won't address their drunken escapades (obviously not talking about actual rape here), it's quite ok to go on social media, violate privacy laws/rules, and throw accusations out there that even the police couldn't verify.  Nevermind that some occur even when the SCHOOLS couldn't verify it.  Which is REALLY concerning.  Take Columbia University and Emma Sulkowicz for example.  She was turned down by 3 police investigators, the DA, AND lost the case at school (schools only need a 50.01% certainty that sexual misconduct took place...preponderance of the evidence, is what it's called), and she STILL broke the privacy rules she's bound by.  She leaked HER victims name online, then the school got involved in publicly tarnishing this kids name (even after the school itself had deemed no violation had occurred), and now...well, if I were Columbia I'd be extremely concerned about how much money from their endowment they'll be paying to Paul in his lawsuit.  I sincerely hope he's awarded it all.  Would be great to see an entire University toppled because of this horrific shitshow.

Here's a piece by Cathy Young regarding the issue of false rape accusations:

Rape is bad, and any number over 0 is a bad thing.  Likewise, falsely accusing people of rape is bad, and any number over 0 is bad.  I don't give a flying fuck how small those numbers are, they destroy fucking lives and should be taken very seriously.  Jackie, Emma Sulcowicz and that chick who falsely accused Brian Banks, should all be in jail, for a very, very long time.  They not only destroyed innocent peoples lives, but the lies they told have hurt the fight for other REAL victims.  It is no justice, that they get to walk free after doing so very much damage.