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I don't think I understand the first one. Anyways, here's couple of my general suggestions you can pinch.

Form over Functionality - Between a mold breaking near photo-realistic looking game with horrible framerate, terrible pop-in, disappearing textures, long load times, terrible glitches and a less than impressive looking one with the faster stable framerate, quick loads, general stability, and polish in every aspect, you're of course must always choose the former. Regardless of the content or context of either game in question.

Interactive Movies - Graphics do matter and gameplay doesn't because if a game so "beautiful" that it makes someone forget the gameplay, it's not only the better game, but also an interactive movie which makes it the highest art form there is, which also excuses any and all possible terrible interactive portions of the beforehand mentioned interactive movie. 

Technical Double Standard - If confronted with something akin to a visually high profile game claiming to re-create entire real living worlds, you are to forgive any minor short comings, such as minor texture pop-up, recycled voice over, recycled character models, recycled pre-scripted animation, unusual or simply poor A.I., strange or unnatural animations, or horridly unrealistic physics. After all such things can't possibly deter from such realistic living world, and it's more important on the technical benchmarks the game has created than it's how close it comes to it's original goal.

However games that don't meet the above criteria are to be repeatedly chastised for any and all errors without mercy. After all, if they aren't achieving breaking new (technical) ground like above, they have no possible excuse such mistakes. Other games that both don't achieve spectacular new visual heights or have any major technical issues to speak of are to simply to be disregarded entirely. What's the point of viewing something so well put together if isn't attempting to redefine what you watch?

Only the Best - You are naught to settle for anything less than the best equipment for your sophisticated visual appetite. Cost is not an issue, you need the very best 1080p Television with a 100,000 : 1 contrast ratio or better that you can afford, along with expensive gold plated Monster HDMI cables to be completely certain that no piece of your graphics whoring experience is diminished in the slightest. You must also always be ready to replace your set-up with any and every new item that surpasses the current market best for video viewing.

You must also only grace your best with the best. You will not sully your high end theater set-up with something as crude as non-HD content and never consider anything less than the very best designed explicitly for your type of viewing pleasure.