method114 said: On PC there is always a way to demo games which is one of the things I miss about PC gaming. With my PS4 the only option I have is to go to gamestop and buy a used copy try it out and then decide if I like it or not. If not? Now I have to back to gamestop and return it. Such a pain in the ass.
I know some few would suggest piracy but I don't really condone such an option, though whenever a demo does show up like with Undertale on a devs website or via being on a client like Steam, I will take up on that chance, I just feel like paying for access to what amounts to a demo trial doesn't really feel as being worth it.
I do remember my times on the 360 when I wanted to try some older titles I would pop to my local GAME and check the bargin bin for some games I'd never ehard of but wanted to try out. Man do I miss those days where I'd buy a PS1 magazine and get that those demos that I'd spend countless hours playing with, even then me and some mates used to trade our different demo disks which allowed us all to try out different games without even having to buy all the mags at the time, of course that was back before the net was even popular so having a circle of mates was always a good thing when it came to game gossip and game sharing. Technically you can do game sharing on Steam but you have to add an account you know to authorize the sharing, only downside to that is you can't play the same game at the same time (I believe).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"