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SpokenTruth said:
Aeolus451 said:
SpokenTruth said:

Again, the ad could be better but it's only a product of the issue.  Akin to attacking the messenger (and message) rather than the underlying problem itself.

Should ads be produced that teach women how to prevent dangerous circumstances?  Damn good idea.  Should laws be enacted with stricter punishments for rape and false rape accusations?  Even better idea.

But if we don't understand why these kinds of ads (even these poor ones) are made in the first place, we are missing the bigger issue.  If we fight over the video, we ignore the real problem.  This is our problem.  We immediately wonder why they are attacking all of us men.  We wonder why they are accusing us of possibly being rapists just because we look, flirt or whistle.  We wonder why they see us as doing wrong just for being men.  When what we really should be wondering is why this kind of ad was needed in the first place. 

We look at ourselves individually and take umbrage for the accusation (granted every group does this regardless of association...race, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc...).  But we fail to look at ourselves as a collective sex.  We fail to ask ourselves as men if we are really doing all we can to protect and prevent ourselves (as a group, not individually) from harming women.  It's a tough thing to reflect on because we'd rather put that repsonsibility elsewhere.

This type of video/ad was not needed in the first place because it's misguided or tells a flawed message on every level. In other words, no one should take it seriously because it's most likely created by a radicalized feminist that doesn't care about equality and is not trying to constructively change things for the better for everyone. It only hurts feminists as a whole and it frankly makes them fit their stereotypes. 

See below.

DonFerrari said:
SpokenTruth said:

Again, the ad could be better but it's only a product of the issue.  Akin to attacking the messenger (and message) rather than the underlying problem itself.

Should ads be produced that teach women how to prevent dangerous circumstances?  Damn good idea.  Should laws be enacted with stricter punishments for rape and false rape accusations?  Even better idea.

But if we don't understand why these kinds of ads (even these poor ones) are made in the first place, we are missing the bigger issue.  If we fight over the video, we ignore the real problem.  This is our problem.  We immediately wonder why they are attacking all of us men.  We wonder why they are accusing us of possibly being rapists just because we look, flirt or whistle.  We wonder why they see us as doing wrong just for being men.  When what we really should be wondering is why this kind of ad was needed in the first place. 

We look at ourselves individually and take umbrage for the accusation (granted every group does this regardless of association...race, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc...).  But we fail to look at ourselves as a collective sex.  We fail to ask ourselves as men if we are really doing all we can to protect and prevent ourselves (as a group, not individually) from harming women.  It's a tough thing to reflect on because we'd rather put that repsonsibility elsewhere.

The reason for the ads are exageration of the issues since the ad itself doesn't base itself on reality at least not our reality.

I'm responding to you both since you both made similar points.

As you'll note, I already stated several times that this particular video isn't that great.  My statements were regarding the movement and support/awareness videos in general and immediately you both began attacking this lone video.  Go back to what I said about looking at ourselves as a collective and why support/awareness ads are needed in the first place.  



o_O.Q said:

what would you suggest we do to make women safer?

It takes a collective attitude to re-educate oursleves about us and women.   As I've said before, it wasn't that long ago that hitting a women was simply considered part of society and many still think it is.  You may know it's wrong but collectively we still have vestiges of past sexism practices.  Father to son education is good (few men actually teach their sons how to repsect women...especially if they see dad 'putting her in her place' every now and then).   Society has to look at the patriarchy and consider the implications it enables.  Men hold the overhwleming majority of power in all aspects of life and as we all know (or should know) that rape is a show of force and power, not about lust and sex.  Again, this is a perspective men don't usually acknowledge because it's difficult to see the problem when it doesn't affect you and because we're too egotistical, prideful and cowardly to admit the issues.


"It takes a collective attitude to re-educate oursleves about us and women. "

the problem here is that there are people that for various reasons do not care about the expectations of society and do not care about the wellbeing of others... these people will always exist and they are generally the people that commit crimes such as rape

how is eduation going to stop these people from raping?

this is exactly why people say that women should look into using more safety precautions and even perhaps carrying weapons on them


"few men actually teach their sons how to repsect women"


can you elaborate on this?


"that rape is a show of force and power"

i don't understand how the motivations of rape are relevant here... if i murder someone to steal their cash, people won't go "oh he just needed the money let him go free"... no if i'm caught then i will be imprisoned or killed


with regards to rape, if a rapist is caught, people don't go "oh he was trying to fight feelings of inadequacy and needed a boost to his confidence so take pity on him" no he is instantly condemned and imprisoned for a period of time and also placed on a watchlist for the rest of his life as a sex offender


you seem to be implying throughout this post that we are lenient on rapists because of the power structure of society and that is completely false


"Men hold the overhwleming majority of power in all aspects of life and as we all know (or should know) that rape is a show of force and power"


are you trying to say that if power is taken away from men that a natural result with be that less rapes will occur?

i'm just speculating here because you didn't make a clear enough connection 

"this is a perspective men don't usually acknowledge because it's difficult to see the problem "


sorry this may be a lack of comprehension on my part but can you identify which problem you are speaking of here? is the problem you are speaking of rape? or the power structure of society?