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Feminism, and equal opportunity for all, is a good thing obviously that I would hope everyone would support just out of human decency but I don't really think videos like this are gonna help more people support it, rather it might have the adverse effect of turning more people away who could have potentially been allies because it may feel like an attack before they have even done anything, and as we've seen that usually tends to make people stand further in their shoes rather than listen. It could end up leading to situations where people have different ideas of what feminism is based on what they see, if someone were to only see the extreme things like this they might think that's what it is overall and get the wrong idea of it, so it shouldn't really be grouped into "feminists" as a whole rather just some who call themselves that that may be going to more extreme measures like this.

Edit: I'm editing this comment later, as my original was poorly written, to better accurately represent what I was actually trying to get across at the time. 

Last edited by FloatingWaffles - on 13 August 2021