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I don't care what the patient did, at the point in which this doctor came in and basically attacked and hit him he was just sitting there with NO shirt on, clearly in somewhat of a vulnerable sense of mind

extremely unacceptable. The doctor frankly deserves to lose his life for acting like such a lunatic. 

again, its one thing to remove the patient from the office if he's trying to touch nurses or behaving creepily, or possibly call the police, whatever, but assault was not an option

it would be one thing if the guy who was killed appeared violent or aggressive, but in this video he's very docile

this is upsetting and if the doctor only loses his license and is sent to jail for a year or two that is just not fair whatsoever. he's acting like a gangster thug, not a doctor. who knows how many other patients he has assaulted whom didn't treat his nurses appropriately


and I'm not condoning the rumored inappropriate touching of the nurses or acting like a clown in a doctor's office, but nothing extreme has been reported that the patient did to receive such a reaction