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armodillo17 said:
Nautilus said:

Why are you trying to lowball the games performance?

Edit:And it is outperforming the first in every single region.Just to give a few numbers, the first one sold in UK around 5k in first week, while X sold 10k.And in France, the first one did 40k in the first year, while X sold more than that in less than 2 weeks.And in US(this is vgchartz numbers), it sold around 1q50k the first ones first week, while X sold around 230k, and that dosent even include digital numbers.So yes, this game is performing extremely well.I still cant believe people are trying to say this game will sell badly...

I'm not trying to, that's just what I think. I would be absolutely thrilled to be wrong. However, looking at the sales data again, I'm less sure. It's a little hard to compare sales data for the two games (in support of either of our points) because the first one was so hard to obtain in the US and there is missing data from EU's initial sales.

I just looked at the original's numbers again, and just saw that, in the US, it sold 10k in 2013, 15k in 2014, and 56k in 2015. That's crazy! I didn't even know you could buy a new copy in 2015. I don't know that I've seen that happen before, so clearly its sales aren't following the usual pattern. Sales in Europe seemed to follow the normal curve; in Japan, however, sales fell off a cliff. It did 151k in 2010, 8k in 2011, and 83 total copies in 2012 (nothing after that), so it never even managed to eclipse double its first week sales (82k).

As far as X goes, it is definitely outperforming the original in the west, but not in Japan. First week sales were better by 4k, but sales after 2 weeks were already down by 5k, and by week 10 were down by 17k. Also, EU's numbers for the original are way off, because the first 8 weeks are missing from both Germany and France, and the first week is missing from the UK (at least what I'm looking at right now), so the increase in EU is not nearly as big as it looks. With how strong NA sales have been, it's obviously way ahead globally right now, but I'm not convinced that it will have the staying power of its predecessor. For one thing, the original released in the US in April on a completely dead console, and in the EU in August on a mostly dying console. X released in the holiday season for a console that has as much momentum now as it probably has ever had (however small that is). By all accounts, the story is much weaker, too. Who knows, though. Only time will tell. Like I said, I would love to be wrong.

Its that its just hard to believe that the game that did 720k in less than 1 minth cant do 280k in the rest of its life.(less with digital)

And adressing Japan, while physical sales are around 130k, we know for certain that it did 23k in the first month digitally, and assuming the worst and saying that it did only 7k in the next months digitally, the game sits at around 160k, which is basically what the first game made lifetime.Giving a bit more time, it will surely pass that.Just for reference, I think the game made around 150k first year, and X already passed that in around 7 months.So it is outselling the first one, even if just by a small margin.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.