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Today is one of those days where I feel like I need to take a break from the site, I dunno I;m just annoyed at people on here who clearly have and show brand loyalty and stick to it to the death to see others fail. I was trying to talk reason about TO 1886 and how some were claiming it's the best on any platform in an objective manner, meanwhile I'm seeing different with Star Citizen and Kingdom Come Deliverance, problem is some are already trying to move goal posts to make sure PC somehow cannot have a really amazing looking game but only PS4, that logic just serves to agitate and irk me because it tells me that some are willing to overlook all the progress Sony shows you but they will gladly ignore any and all progress you see from the devs behind the two games I mentioned, especially with "they are incomplete" reasons despite plenty of games being shown to us a year or two in advance that aren't even bloody complete either.

Foolishness tends to get the better of me I'll totally admit that, I just wish some people would take off the cloak and just see reason than loyalty. I remember being just like that years ago, I was one of those that talked against PC gaming and all that it held despite me playing C&C all those years and other games but now I've gotten older I can actually step back and see for myself what's what.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.