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160rmf said:
naruball said:
Boberkun said:

Shit physics. Ugly visual.

Did the "shit" physics and "ugly visuals" stop LBP from selling around 6m? Yeah, thought so. What about LBP vita, LBP2, and LBP3? WIth such shit physics and ugly visuals how come games without shit physics and ugly visuals of the same genre haven't sold more, other than Ninty games with well established characters?

Do people look at the data before they speak? Like ever?

bolded: Maybe at first people thought this game would be similar to mario. Imagine a lot of frustrate parents that bought a console for their children trying to find a family friendly game on the store:

- Hi, do you have mario for ps3?

- Sorry, sir. We don't have it. But we just received this game! It's looks very similar

- Thank god! Put on a gift box, pls

6m confused parents? A game with incredible legs that suggest positive reception/word of mouth? Ok, if you say so.