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naruball said:
Teeqoz said:


How do you explain Ratchet's decline in sales? You can't blame it on "guns", because Ratchet had guns from the first entry. You also certainly can't blame it on it losing it's colourfulness, because, well, it hasn't, yet each mainline entry sold less than the previous one. Also Sly Cooper, Sly 4 was a gorgeous, colorful (no guns either) platformer, and had great landscapes and was generally a blast to play, yet it bombed.

Yup. Since the ps3/xb360/wii era, platformers (without Ninty chracters) have not done well at all. They are simply past their prime. It's not LBP being bad or anything, it's gamers not having an interest in them. LBP was the last sales success in the genre.




3rd parties & the AAA market of online shooters, open-world action, sports/racing Sims have caused barely anything but those genres to be successful on consoles at retail. The "hardcore" gaming market has pretty much just become a market for 13-30 year old males.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.