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Teeqoz said:
Nem said:


Jak and daxter sold 3.6m according to this website. Subsequent installments sold less cause "guns" and lost the colorfulness. The series ended because "naughty dog". Same thing that happened with crash.

"cute" platformers are not dead. Its the predominance of brown and grey in art style that fails to appeal to its targeted audience.

Make a goregeus, colourful and with great landscapes platformer and i'm sure it would sell alot.


How do you explain Ratchet's decline in sales? You can't blame it on "guns", because Ratchet had guns from the first entry. You also certainly can't blame it on it losing it's colourfulness, because, well, it hasn't, yet each mainline entry sold less than the previous one. Also Sly Cooper, Sly 4 was a gorgeous, colorful (no guns either) platformer, and had great landscapes and was generally a blast to play, yet it bombed.


Ratchet and clank was never very colourful except for the first game. Into the nexus tried aswell, but i still thin the pallete is too grey and brown.

Really, i think the key is the smart use of color. Realistic doesnt go well with Platformers and mascots.