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DivinePaladin said:
QUAKECore89 said:
I don't think i should buy it, cause i pre-ordered 4 games... .-.

If you're a fan of the series I'd try to find a way. At this point it's either the movie has to take off and get a big kid following or the game needs to make some waves on shelves or Ratchet will likely end up stuck with low-budget and/or nontraditional releases like we've had the past four outings (counting this one). With Uncharted releasing very close to it Sony is in danger of damning this game Resistance-style unless it either sells hot early or maintains value for a good six months into the holidays. Knowing the series, it needs to be the former.


Thankfully this is garnering a lot of love outside of the core fanbase because of how pretty it looks, so maybe the series can start pushing sales past the million mark again like it deserves as one of the old guards of PlayStation. Either way, if you follow the series and want it to keep going, I'd legitimately try to pick it up by June. 

Well i have Ratchet & Clank trilogy for the PS2 on the shelf, they're all still shrink wrapped. xD If only i have time for this new one, why, because we have Quantum Break, Dark Souls III, Star Fox Zero & Uncharted 4 on April(this is i pre-ordered).

Maybe i'll pick it up by May.