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Katilian said:

The problem with defining art to be high art, is that artworks that fall into this category a) have withstood the test of time and b) are classified by, as you've mentioned, older people. Firstly, video games have only been around for approximately 40 years, approximately half the lifespan of someone. They've been around even less in the mainstream. This leads me to my second point, that these older people didn't grow up playing games. They don't have the early life experience of video games. I'm sure if younger people these days didn't have video games, they would enjoy more of the things you consider art. It is just games offer something which almost all of these classic artworks don't. Interactivity. Theater and music sometime supply this (hence why people would prefer to go to the theater or see a concert rather than just watch it on tv) and it is a big drawcard.

This interactivity leads me to my next point. Why do people only focus on the 'interactivity' of games when trying to argue them as art. Last time I checked, games had a lot of the same elements as movies. Sound, visuals and storyline. If any of these three were extracted from a game, they would most likely be considered art (in regards to most of these, you'll probably want to consider an RPG to be the best example). So why now, when we place these into a game, does the resulting product not get classified as art? Using our rpg example, many of them have ochestral soundtracks, impressive visuals (if you want to argue that computer rendering isn't art, remember there are computer generated movies) and sophistcated and indepth story lines.

 I agree with a lot of what you just said and especially that point. When the video game generation gets older and video games are accepted media for art rather than seen as little fun games (see Brain Age) there will be an acceptance of the fact that games can be art and have artistic elements.

    Like I said, I'm sure most art connaisseurs didn't think movies were art when they first started either. 

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!