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Halo 3, the game was ok, but in no way AAA.
GRAPHICS, The games graphics are in no way impressive for a 360 game. Since at the time I was playing alot of retro games, ,and didn't really care since it looked nice compared to them. Now It just seems disappointing that one of or the biggest game to come out on the 360 has these graphics.

STORY, The story had so much potential to be good, but it was just meh. I know it's an fps ,but the story wasn't good at all. It was very predictable, such as the point where you find cortana. The ending was really disappointing. I prefer the story of the original, and to a lesser extent halo 2.

MUSIC, The music was ok, but nothing wonderful. I don't really have anything more to say here.

GAMEPLAY, I hate dual analog controls for a fps. I bought both halo 1 and 2 for pc, and never played them with dual analog so I didn't know what I was getting into. Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as some newer games I have played with dual analog, but it still was worse compared to the previous games. Now I found the gameplay really repetitive. You get ambushed kill all of the enemies, move on. GO in a vehicle kill enemies move on. Get ambushed again. Join up in groups, and then kill some more enemies. It was extremely dull to me.

ONLINE, The online is great, but other than extra weapons maps( Which I believe you could get mods for in the pc version of halo 2) and vehicles It wasn't much different from halo 2s online. Seeing as I had to pay for the online after my 1 month was over I didn't feel it was worth it. I got a better online experience imo from games such as CoD 4, Unreal Tournament 3, and Team Fortress.

Local Multiplayer, This is the only thing that I feel is worth buying the game for, besides online if you don't have a gaming pc capable of halo 2. I got to play with my friends splitscreen ( which I can't really do with my pc) and It's addicting. There are many ways to play multiplayer, and almost all of them are fun. I can't count how many hours I spent with my friends at parties, or just hangouts playing halo 3.

The game was ok , but imo didn't deserve any of the reviews or sales it got. It lived off hype and online/local multiplayer for some.