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Final Fantasy 7

- Graphics. It's the second ugliest game i've ever seen and only the second game who's graphics were so crappy it hurt the play expierence. That other game Ballz 3-d or something... which was some bad fighter for one of the sega systems... with well bad graphics... and worse gameplay.

- Story. Made no sense... had bad pacing... was boring... you never care about the characters

-Characters. They are just so flat... and also don't seem to have any development

- FF 4-6. All of them were a lot better. FF4 and 6 had better storys and gameplay, 5 had the best gameplay, though it's story was of NES level quality... which may actually be better then FF7 since 5 didn't make you sit through so much crap you didn't care about.

Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask

-Ocarina of Time. It was just Ocarina of time again... and i only kinda liked Ocarina of time.

- The Moon. It's annoying and repeittive to have to send the moon back and retrack whenever you feel like exploring or goofing off.