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midrange said:

A few things:

1) as I've said, I've read your post. And I simply don't agree. You mention demographics as an issue, and to that I completely disagree. Given the diversity of games (hardcore deus ex to casual Rayman legends), at least one of those third party games should have hit that demographic and been a success.


2) profit determines success, not sales. Rayman legends could have sold 1 million or 10 million but it's still a failure if it didn't generate profit (which ubisoft said it didnt). same with the other games.

"but but its old better than cod or AC on the wii u..." No one gives a crap. Selling better than crap doesn't mean your game is selling well.

"But it's the third best out of all platforms..." Who cares! It didn't make a profit. Likewise, the fact that a game designed specially for the wii u is anything but first is laughable.


3) yes, I do think these games are of quality, and reviewers agree. Some metacritic scores of the Wii u versions - Rayman (92), NFS (86), deus ex (88). if this is your idea of low effort, than you must be really disappointed with the low effort mario maker (88), mario kart (88) and splatoon (81). The idea that all third parties aren't trying on the wii u is a stupid generalization.


4) Nintendo could have done a lot to make these games successes. Funding is one. Marketing is another. Aid in development is another. Sony and Microsoft do this all the time, and this is why third parties work with them. Not all of them turn out well (such as evolve, dead rising 3, ryse), but the fact that Sony and Microsoft still go all out in helping is what keeps third parties working with them.

we don't know about Nintendo's future (unified library is not gauranteed), but what we can be sure of is that without third party, Nintendo has no chance of beating the competition.

im also going to end this hear before we enter a hateful battle of who can read and who can't.


1- Do you not know how demographics work, they're not going to sustain your business approach if your games aren't geared towards them or their gaming habits, I 'm going to dismiss this all together as this point basically adds nothing and is null and void.

2- Profits of third parties is not Nintendo's problem considering the former continue to utilize the cost inefficient AAA approach, if you can not turn a profit at 1m then that's your own problem not the consumer or platform holder, as far as a consumer or platform holder is concerned numbers moved off the shelf is success same shit here I don't care about Ubi's bank. Again the numbers being higher then COD and AC highlight what the demographic prefer if you read the post other then bsing through an argument you'd know that.

I'm going call you out on the whole Rayman Legends bs, you're moving goalposts saying nothing but the top number of sales is all that matters, that's complete garbage and the desperation I was pointing out earlier, all the other platforms have bigger userbases by a large margin it's almost as if you want to ignore common sense here.

3- Then you have low standards because that approach is not acceptable on any platform, to highlight further desperation here on your part is the end of this particular argument, The context is in effort and handling of the games on third party's part, those games were significantly late ports that were also released at a higher price then other versions and to further this point if someone listed those games to say Wii U has good third party games it would be written off by many through out the gaming community. You can dupe yourself into believing it was a good effort while the rest of us will stick to reality.

4- No nothing Nintendo can do will make the demographic buy any of these games, third parties are already fully commited to MS and Sony you don't see them releasing Deus EX a year and a half after release at a higher price on those platforms, they treat the demographic seriously. The demographic are not going to up and buy games that they don't find as interesting nor will they change their gaming habits for their sake.

The idea is not to beat the competition that's the typical illusion forum goers tell themselves, it's to create their own section in the market that's not affected by the mainstream.