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When the 1st Little Big Planet game first came out, everyone thought it to be the "true competitor" to the Mario franchise. The 1st game  sold nearly 6 million copies worldwide. Over the years the games has gotten SO MUCH better, while the sales got so much not better. I played LBP3 and it's a masterpiece! My favorite LBP game yet! 

Little Big Planet Vita > New Super Mario bros. 2

Little Big Planet 2 >  New Super Mario Bros  U 

NSMBWii > Little BIg Planet

Little Big Planet PSP > NSMBDS

Super Mario Maker > LBP3

I do love both series but Little Big Planet is slightly better for me. How can this beautiful 2D series die out? Is it because of Mario? Popular FPS games?. It's a shame that Nathan Drake took the title away from Sackboy as the Mascot of the company.