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ckmlb said:
Bodhesatva said:
ckmlb said:

How about you stop telling me otherwise? Because the Playstation audience did a god awful job of supporting the games you apparently think are "art." There's no better evidence than that.

Like I said most people of all ages are not interested in art. Also Brain Age is not art there is no way you can make a good argument that it's art. Crossword puzzles, Rubik's Cubes, chess boards are all not art. Just because you 'think' when you play them doesn't mean they're art.

You're absolutely right! Most people of all ages aren't interested in art. The few people that are, generally speaking, are:

1) Well educated

2) Adults

Do you see a problem here? I do! The last time they took a census of video gamers (the same ones where they find the "Average age" of gamers), they found that the average gamer was

1) Less educated than average

2) About 23

Look, if you're just going to insist that well educated adults aren't going to want artistic games (although they've shown some signs of it already, as The Sims and Civilization are certainly both artistic and both were played much more heavily by adults than the average game), but somehow 23 year old males are going to love games that are intellectually and emotionally sophisticated (even though the games you name that might be directed at them -- Okami and Ico, as best examples, have bombed) then I'm not sure this conversation can go on. Of course we're speaking in generalities here; there are no grand studies that give us a good concensus on such things, nor can we even come to a conclusion on what "art" is. This is an abstract discussion about psychological sophistication. All we can possibly have in this discussion are generalities, and yours is a generality that is so obviously false I don't know how to continue.

Just get back to me when you can reasonably claim that any serious artistic medium -- with sophisticated intellectual, thematic, or emotional content -- is thoroughly enjoyed by masses of young, less educated males, but is of no interest to well educated adults.">">