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Stepping aside from the flaming, I read the lengthy forum posted that was linked to at the top of this thread. This Terarrim clearly has huge expectations about Killzone, but I couldn't find any evidence to support just why that would be the case. Closest I could find was this: If this is what the KZD are up to then this means that bullets going through thin walls will allow light into the room (say) as well as the physics of the debri due to impact from said bullets. This is cutting edge physics with, cutting edge graphics and physics (physics for the wall = fragments = allow light to go through, graphics = draw all debri assets = draw the light shining through the hole). That would be a very nice effect, but I can't see it driving sales beyond a few extreme technophiles. The only thing we know about this game is that a trailer (later proved to be not real-time) was released at E3 2005. As far as I know, there has never been so much as a single screenshot released to the public for Killzone. I'd like to see this game do well, since the PS3 could really use another strong game, but it just doesn't seem likely. Statements like this: So while right or wrong I do believe that KZ may be coming for the most critical spotlight ever seen in gaming history. The expectations are either sky high or people waiting for it to fail so they can tear the PS3 in metephorical small bloody pieces. Have me saying, "huh?" Outside of gaming circles, there are probably few people who have ever heard of Killzone. My advice to Playstation fans (and gaming fans in general, for that matter): enjoy the games you have and pay less attention to future ones. There's always something great on the horizon; the industry works by hyping things that haven't been released yet. Instead of drooling over how great Killzone will be, why not go play Resistance right now? The reality is that the to-be-released games will never be as great as your imagination made them out to be...

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