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It's 2016. Unfortunately, 'Murica decided to bring extremely dumb people to potentially run our country.

For the conservative side, we see people such as Trump, Cruz, Carson, and the other bums no one ever talks about.

For the liberal side, we have Bernie Sanders and the devil Hilary Clinton.


Saying this, I am so surprised to see the stupidity of so many people.

People that are most likely conservatives: Hardcore christians, evangelicals, Catholics, billionares, pro-israeli people that think we should use billions of dollars to donate to a different country(rather than fix our own country), rednecks, and that idiot on facebook who posts those "like for Jesus" posts

For conservatives, it's as if anything new is suddenly bad! Science wants to help stop global warming? Better make sure you avoid the actual argument! Accidental pregnancies/pregnancy by rape is a huge issue? How about we ban abortion then?

It makes it worse when these nuts say they criticize ISIS's religious-led legal system. yet, most of these baffoons are Bible-thumping freaks that(for some reason) think America is a Christian country! Hint: It isn't. It is a secular country. This isn't in support of ISIS. This is just me pointing out the hypocrisy of many conservatives(mainly in America).



Oh, before I move on, let me say one thing- I love making fun of Trump. Why? Because the memes you can make from him are hilarious. He says what he thinks, so it makes it easier to laugh at him.

Thus, it's ironic when a person will join me and hate Trump. Then, they'll suddenly say something such as "FEEL THE BURN. LOL #2016BERNIE" or "HILLARY FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT!". I mean, really? You're smart enough to realize Trump is an idiot, yet you can't even realize that with two obvious morons!? Bernie Sanders reminds me of that idiot who never payed attention in economics, and Hillary Clinton begs for votes by trying to act "modern" and crap. Allow me to move to my next part- liberals

People that are 10000% guaranteed to be hardcore liberals: Feminists, LGBTQ+ followers, BLM activists, butthurt people, hipsters, and Snoop Dogg(jk don't take the last one seriously)

Criticize liberals. I guarantee the first thing you'll hear is "Not all (blank) are like that!". They think that using the "no true scottsman fallacy" will suddenly make all of my arguments invalid. Or, they'll just go ahead and criticize me(instead of answering my criticism), which is a tu quoque fallacy".

Also, it's as though they want some magical "freedom". Why use quotation marks? Because they think freedom is where they can freely say whatever they want and do whatever they want- however, nothing can be done against them if it "offends them". Where's the logic in that? That's basically dictatorship. It gets worse when only "special'' groups get attacked at- men, whites, moderate Christians, straight people, and so on. here's an example if you'd like.

Example 1: Laughing at white people
Person: (Posts a picture of a blonde person doing something idiotic)

Person: LOL, white people are crazy!

Reception: HAHAHA, that is soooo funny! It's also so true!

White person: But not all white people are like that...

Reception: Shut up! It's just a joke!

Example 2: laughing at black people

Person: (Posts picture of a black person doing something idiotic)

Person: LOL, black people are crazy!


Black Person/OP: We know, it's just a joke...



I think most of you understand my point now. Humans have such little intelligence nowadays to the point where our only "proof" for our arguments are:

a) Lies

b) biased articles/videos/etc.

c) feelings(seriously, who trusts feelings as decisive proof!?)

d) Insults

e) Having a small loan of a million dollars


Solution?: Stop being dumb and learn what facts are. Goddamit people. We wouldn't have all of this nonsense if we stopped being such morons. If people relied on facts(instead of feelings and whatnot), would we really still be arguing over things such as global warming? Evolution? Abortion? Would we be fighting over the most simple things?


Be honest with yourself, would we?



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.