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snyps said:
There is only one thing I like about him. I am a male libertarian american and far as I can tell Trump got to the top of the polls by speaking to the majority of low-thinking-level americans on their terms and not the modern traditional method of being hand groomed by the Big Banks.

The Bank owned media hates trump. The Banks hate trump. That's what I like about him. I totally do not want him in office. But then again I don't want any of the Democrat/republicans except Bernie or Paul.

Did you know the Presidential race used to be set up so the loser became Vice President. I hate this winner take all bullshit! Fuck the elections.. but at least Trump is an upset to the two winged bird of prey.

Damn, my exact opinion.  But it does not really matter as Trump brings out the worst in people.  His supporters are a bunch of lunatics.  Its really sad that Trump is not even the worst candidate when it comes to policies.  That would be Ben Carson or Ted Cruz.