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When I was a wee lad, at the ripe age of 8, I was a nut for JRPGs. As I've progressed through my teen years, I grew more fond of SRPGs. That then progressed to ARPGs in my late teens to early twenties. When Sega died 😢, I grew out of love for gaming and just stopped for 2 years.

The introduction of HDTVs turned me into an HDTV nut that needed all the HD content that I could get a hold of. This drew me into the HD format wars of Red vs Blue. Meanwhile, my curiosity for how games perform with these HDTVs pulled me back into the gaming scene. Not because of the games, but because of my love for seeing things in HD. 

I purchased an Xbox, GameCube and PS2. The Xbox had the best HD capabilities, followed by GameCube and PS2. HD cables for consoles were hard to get a hold of back then. It was awesome seeing games so clear, especially Robotech. I still lacked interest in actually playing on a regular basis though. The only games I regulared was GameCube PSO and then Xbox PSO, because I loved Dreamcast PSO so much. Even though the Xbox was more powerful, I favored playing the GameCube PSO more. Graphics looked way better for some reason. Made my fingers go in directions they were never meant to go though. That controller setup or something. The game was so good I put up with it.

I then stumbled upon this game called Maple Story on PC. My God, the next two years of my life were spent in front of that PC almost every minute I was home.

Xbox 360 came out and that's when I became less of a hardcore gamer and more causal. Achievements changed the game and have become more important than enjoyment.

Now in my Legendary years, I'm a casual gamer. Used to hate FPS, but am OK with them now. Loved the first CODs. Hate the newer ones. Love Titanfall. It is really hard for me to stomach sitting through an RPG, unless it's really good or I force myself to. With games, there's just so much crap out there, nothing feels genuine. 

I find it troublesome sometimes to actually play games. Would rather watch things. I wish we could get Achievements for watching things. Ohhh wait, you can on Xbone. But those are 0 points damnit! 😠 You almost got it right this gen M$, almost!! 

At the moment, I'm in a Disney Infinity craze. When people see me playing it, they say, "Aren't you too old for that?" Who cares if it's a baby game, I'm re-living my childhood or lack thereof. Though it is somewhat embarrassing buying an Elsa character at Toys R Us. 😳


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence